Tuesday 20 March 2012

Disney’s Film Production – ‘Then and Now’

1.      Describe Disney’s early film production. What innovations did Disney make use of, and were there any drawbacks to early methods of film production?

  Disney’s first film was ‘Alice’s Wonderland’ and was created by animator Walt Disney in 1923. It was black and white as colour was available but very expensive to use. There was no sound so used titles to show speech. It featured a   mix of live action and animation. During early film making they moved to Los Angeles and set up their studio in their uncle’s garage called ‘Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio’. He couldn’t afford to distribute his own films at the time so Universal Pictures distributed his films. This was a drawback for them as they had no control over decisions such as how long the film is in cinemas for and where it is shown, also a large portion of their profits would be lost to Universal Pictures. ‘Snow White’ distributed by RKO Pictures was their first real success which bought them high profits and got them noticed, which allowed them to build a new studio in California. In the 1940s Disney produced classics, but production went down during the war. They used this to their advantage and made propaganda films to contribute with the war effort, increasing their popularity. After the war production resumed and normal and Disney created their first all live action film, ‘Treasure Island’.

2.      Describe Disney’s modern methods of film production. What options are available for Disney when they are making a film? (e.g. animation or live action, 3D). What are the benefits of some of these methods? What are the drawbacks?
       Now in Disney, in their animated films they can use CGI, which is a specialist computer programme to create places, characters, and scenes. It is very expensive and takes up time and needs high skilled employees to use it, but helps to make the animation look more realistic and flow more. It can be mixed with live action, such as in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’, to make the film more interesting and exciting.  Pixar created shorts while experimenting with it, so when the two companies merged in 2006 they gained these skills. Also, giving people a choice when it comes to watching in 3D or in blue ray, makes seeing the film more appealing to watch for a larger amount of people, making the film more successful with a larger audience. But also doing this takes more time and money, slowing production down and reducing profits. 

3.      How is technological advancement in film production benefitting audiences of Disney films? (i.e. are films better quality now than they used to be? Is this what audiences want?
       Increasing the quality as time goes on allows Disney to keep up with other film companies such as ‘Dreamworks’. Audiences enjoy the classics but also want modern looking films as we’re used to seeing it and are disappointed with any lower quality. They are better quality now as Disney has a much larger budget to work with to include editing such as CGI. Using 3D gives an audience a completely different experience making it more appealing for them to watch.

4.      Who are Disney’s target audience? (Use your prior target audience profiling knowledge! A, B, C, succeeders, reformers, etc.)
       Disney makes family orientated films that are aimed at the same kind of audience. You can see this in their ideologies of family, love, happiness, and traditional gender roles. Their target audience could be mainly made up of mainstreamers as it appeals to everyone, and aspirers, as their films involve people working for success and aiming high. Any social class can watch a Disney film from A-E, but might aim for the lower end so they have an escape from normal life in the utopian world.

5.     Choose THREE Disney films that show Dyer’s Utopian Solutions Theory. Explain how each film demonstrates the theory, and why this will attract audiences.
       SNOWWHITE- Prince saves her at the end of the film, masculine role protecting the woman who is slim pretty and innocent.
CINDERELLA- Nasty stepmother and two ugly sisters are punished in the end, girl who did chores all her life gets rewarded.
MULAN- Men are stronger and more powerful than women, women struggle in a mans world.

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